Hazrat Hussain bin Ali(R.A) the saga of hope and sacrifice

🌼The Saga of Hope And Sacrifice 🌼

  Hazrat Hussein(Raziullah tallah Anho) is a man whose story has transcended generations and borders for over 1300 years Hussein's selfless pursuit for moral justice in the face of brutal oppression has inspired hope for millions the battle of karbala where Hazrat Hussein (R.A) and his 72 loyal companions bravely stood against an army of thousands forever changed the course of history.

 Hazrat Hussein(Raziullah tallah Anho) was born in 626 A.D in the city of Medina to the noble family of the prophet Muhammad (Salalaho alaihe wasalam). He was raised by a family renowned for their honesty compassion and justice. He was revered and celebrated by people from different walks of life every lover of truth and every lover of justice loved Hussein (alaihissalam) and these. No doubts began way back while they were in the holy city of Madina the values that he adopted as a child with their values that he learned as he grew up and he grew up in the holiest of houses he grew up with his grandfather the prophet as a young child.

 Hussein witnessed his grandfather'sstruggle to establish a morally just and compassionate society they embraced a very sincere life a very humble life they prioritized charity giving and working to improve the societies they were in arabian society was played by violence and corruption Muhammad's (Salalaho alaihe wasalam) rise and the advent of islam eradicated much of this injustice and the people had widely adopted a moral way of living.

  In 632 a.d the prophet Muhammad (Salalaho alaihe wasalam) passed away devastating a young Hussein what followed after would impact Hussein in ways he could not yet comprehend shortly after the prophet's death.

 The leadership of the newly formed nation fell into dispute divisions amongst the people emerged and a violent power struggle fractured the nation for over 30 years which led to a lengthy civil war between Hussein's father Ali ibn abi Taleb(Raziullah tallah Anho) and Muawiyah Maria who was originally from a tribe or clan which was had in the early years opposed the prophet's message and islam took power started off in this power base in syria in damascus.

 Hazrat Ali Ibn Talib was assassinated moai assumed full control choosing to avoid further conflict Hussein's elder brother Hassan (Raziullah tallah Anho) made a treaty with muawiyah which would prevent mahwere from passing on rule to his son amongst other things.

  These clauses of the truth were basically violated and the ultimate expression of that violation was the actual assassination of Hassan himself a round 10 years after that having violated the treaty maria allowed his son yazid to take over the power yazid was widely regarded as a tyrannical and cruel narcissist who wanted to rule with an iron fist yazid sought the allegiance of Hussein to cement his claim to power and gain credibilityone of the needs one can say of an oppressive regime is the need for legitimacy and the important sources of that legitimacy has to come from prominent members of the society who are respected for their high morals to support them Having witnessed years of injustice and the steady moral decay of his society.

 Hussein knew he had to draw a line with his eid to prevent the total collapse of the nation to the hands of a despotic tyrant Hussein refused to pledge allegiance to yazid in one sense he was very divisive but usually when people fight for justice. 

 They are divisive usually it divides the community those in favor of what is right and those who are not and so he in his very divisiveness He was really making a stand that separated the good from the bad the just from the unjust fundamentally.

 Hussein is not interested in the fight he's not interested in taking to battle but rather he's interested in making people aware of what's actually going on in the world and how things have changed since the demise of the prophet not being able to get an endorsement from husszein yazid threatened to assassinate Hussein wanting to avoid violence. Hussein left his home and traveled to the city of Makkah  here Hussein sought to rally the people and delivered a passionate sermon rebuking the community leaders who had failed to stand against hizid saying you have taken lightly your duties as leaders you have neglected the rights of the oppressed and the lowly but have assiduously pursued what you regard as your personal rights.

  His moral justice was quite a simple issue it was that we must be willing to take a stand and even die for what is right that there can be no compromise and i think it's that refusal to compromise and he was made a number of offers by the the people in power to compromise to turn back to try a different route this this refusal to compromise even in the face of great personal danger that for me is the key to the morality the the ethics of his justice most leaders they will remain in their comfort zones and send their people to go and do the work they will call for justice but they will not be on the ground or in the field to promote justice imam-al-assad did not do that led from france. Hussein had received hundreds of letters from the residents in the city of kufa present iraq pledging their support in the struggle against yazid as the threat of violence increased.

  Hussein departed from Makkah along with his family and loyal companions and began the long journey towards kufa when yazid became aware of Hussein's intention.He dispatched a brutal governor to quash the descent but Hussein persisted with his movement eastward as Hussein got closer to kufa he was intercepted by a battalion of yazid's army led by a commander called Hur(A.S). Hussein his family and companions were prevented from going any further and were forced to stop in a dry desert land known as Karbala who and his entourage of forces came his horses and his soldiers were thirsty he was saying offer to them water he did not say these people are here to monitor me and to make life difficult for me and to block my way.

  He gave them water Hussein's selfless act of kindness was to be met in turn with a cruel response by yazid's army who proceeded to surround Hussein's camp and cut off the water supply Hussein his family and small army of around 72 were left thirsty for three days in the blistering heat.Hussein said something which rings very true for the human condition he said human beings are slaves to the world as long as our situation is fine.We have food we have water we have money we have the basicspeople will profess their beliefs they will profess their religion on their tongues but when people are tested when people are tried very few people remain who are sincere and devoted on the eve of ashura abba abdullah guided all his companions and he asked for the candle to be switched off so it was put off and he said to his companions. I am the target you are not the target why don't you go and no blame on you each and every one of them stood up and pledged their allegiance to about the life of saying as the sun dawned on what is known as the day of our shura Hussein and his brave army of 72 prepared to make their final stand of honor and dignityagainst an army of thousands in a remarkable town of events Hur (À.S) defected from yazid's army realizing that he had made a terrible mistake and pledged to fight alongside Hussein unafraid and fueled by belief in something greater Hussein's companions fought relentlessly till their very end each of these members of his family went out one by one often reciting extraordinary poetry and dying one by one in front of al-hussein and all of them as they went out to fight claiming.

  The reason why they were doing this that it wasn't just because they liked himbut because they believed in his cause in the heat of battle and despite witnessing the horrific killing of his close friends Hussein would be heard praying for his enemies hoping they'd cease partaking in this atrocity one after the other Hussein's closest family members were slain in battle as they fought heroically with each member of his family killed in front of him including his beloved sons nephews and brother.

  Hussein would rush valiantly into the battlefield to aid them in their last moments none was spared not even hussein's six-month-old baby alias Imam Hussein carried this young boy placed him on his chest and he walked to the battlefield. He looked at the camp of the enemies he called out am I the target of this infant.Why don't you give him water and this created a consternation in the opposing army and when the leader Omar nassar saw that he called out for them to silence Hussein's argument meaning to kill that child and so one very evil soldier whose name was harmala you know took a three-pointed arrow and fired at a child and ripped the child's neck apart in the arms of the father.

  He was now completely alone everyone else was gone except for the woman in the tents and they were being threatened and  that in the end he it was his utter exhaustion from fighting almost single-handedly that helped to hasten his end and the fact that he was now surrounded by a superior number up until the last breath.

  He had in the midst of all of this he never lost hope some of the reports from the soldiers fighting against hussein when they saw him pass by in front of them on his horse fighting them they said they never saw a person who had lost so much you know his dear ones killed in front of him facing insurmountable odds covered with blood but at the same time being so peaceful and so glorious carrying his lifeless infant alone.

  Hussein returned to his camp to bid a final farewell to the women and children of his family unbroken and unafraid hussein charged valiantly for the final time towards the enemy and fought majestically till eventually he fell from his horse they started attacking him left and right arrows on his shoulders arrows on his forehead arrows on his back until Abba Abdullah fell down he was kicked left her right and eventually shimmer sat on his chest covered in bloody wounds thirsty from the dry desert heat and with no one left to help him Hussain was mercilessly beheaded.

  After the killing of hussein those who'd been killed were beheaded the tents of the women were burnt the women were were taken as as prisoners the texts tell us that the women and the children were transported in a very um brutal manner to the various leaders of the time first of all to kufa and then to damascus where they were humiliated and interrogated but of course it is the lady zainab who cannot be separated from her brother who keeps all of this alive and begins to retell the tale and so it's it's a terrible time and it's the beginning of something absolutely wonderful following the tragic killing of Hussein his sister Zainab carried the flag of Hussein's mission and became the moral support for the women and children who had been taken captive famously when asked how she perceived what had transpired. She replied eloquently I saw nothing but beauty she makes these two famous protests against the citizens of kufa and then um against yazid um and and and she is famous that not only does she denounce his leadership and indict uh him as a person but she also in those moments begins the story of karbala and ensures at that moment that the story will never be forgotten and that the lessons of Karbala will never be forgotten Zainab's fiery speech in the courtyards of yazid sent shockwaves across the nation as words spread of how hussein and his small army were martyred in karbala realizing his grave miscalculation yazid freed hussein's family zainab alongside hussein's last remaining son ali zain al-habadeen  began to tell people of what happened in karbala this triggered a series of uprisings which eventually led to yazid's rule being dismantled for a number of people the commemoration of hussein is also about this quest for justice and goodness in the world and so the recounting of the story of what happened is then connected with accounts of oppression of tragedy and of brutality in the world that we have and a hope and desire for something better the story of hussein has been remembered through generations every year as a source of empowerment in the fight for moral justice how hussein and his army of 72 were victorious against a tyrannical enemy through sacrificing their lives thirteen hundred years later millions of people from all backgrounds flocked to pay tribute to Hussein at his shrine in Iraq every time we stand up the fight and we are prepared to sacrifice everything for truth we are like Hussein.     

  The reason why people can aspire to be like hussein is because he transcends religious borders and political borders justice is a human thing all human beings even non-religious human beings are bound by justice the revolution continues we have to create now a husseini society which is a societ y of justice and a society of of brave people you know who are not afraid of fighting for truth.

Thank you for reading.

Have a happy day,😊

Ume Salma Rehan

This blog is for spread the knowledge in the world which is very informative article include in this blog and also useful


Have a nice day!😊

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