One of the most famous buildings in the world Buckingham Palace. First we enter the beautiful gate.If that's real gold so we know if the queen is in residence because the flag will be flying which it is there's not much wind you can probably see it it's just theres so the queen is in residence.
It's very quiet around here today. Let's go right to the front gate if you've been watching the crown on netflix and it's really good to come here because you get a really good insight.
Here we go to the front gates of buckingham palace to be honest i've been a little bit obsessed watching the crown and so being here is making me a little bit star struck outside the main front gate of Buckingham palace and if you think about the history and the events that have happened on the balcony just in front of us.You know it's really amazing the building is just so grand and impressive as well you can see there's four little huts and there's a beefeater just there I think that's what they call beefeaters. Let us know in the comments below and there's normally four there's just two today and there's still some christmas trees up as well there's the flag fight you can see it now.
I wonder if anyone can tell me if that is real gold up there I'm sure if it was someone would try to nick that it's got to just walk up here this is in the middle of just saw just in front of Buckingham palace actually we'll turn around and havea great view in a second just going up these steps look at that there's the sun's going down.
I think this is marble yeah it is as we turn around and see it in the distance look at that and then as you walk around here there's the mall going all the way up into london and uh well you can't really see it but big ben is just over there and you've got the millennium wheel just over there weirdest shot ever of this foot to and a seagull making lots of noise of this soldier just sat there like that amazing with the uh the sunset in the background it's queen victoria there look at that in this sunshine someone must have to go up there and polish that it's absolutely amazing.
I have to say though we're here at Buckingham palace and these bikes that you can just rent around london you can just leave them anywhere and I will show you look where people have just left bikes you basically download an app and these bikes are called lime.
I think it is and you just leave them wherever you want and then pick them up again so if I download the app I can hire one of these bikes but then they've just been left here outside buckingham palace there's no water in there today so this was filmed on the last lockdown and you can just see how quiet london is and especially the mall i don't think I've ever seen it this quiet so in front of Buckingham palace is St James's park.
Look at that black swan that is so beautiful it's a little bit cold tell me about people we got any food for you aren't you beautiful and it was amazing to see in james's park the parakeets and the squirrels that are literally everywhere they really do look out of place here in england.I had to double take but it also says do not feed them which this lady is clearly not listening to so just quickly want to go back in towards central london to show you one of the oldest restaurants in london and possibly in england as well this is rules and it's got so much history dating back from 1798 is when the first restaurant on this site opened up and it has had such a long history and even on the first floor by the lattice windows was once the most celebrated table for two in london.
It's also where prince of wales courted most of his girlfriends that never came to be is that real gold. This is such a unique building and once it's open again i'm definitely going to show you around the three floors. It is so beautiful inside thank you so much.
Have a happy day 😊!